Sunday, June 25, 2017

Lights Out

Lights Out by Ted Koppel 

This ones gonna be short, not because I didn't enjoy it, but because it was non-fiction (per say) and I don't have a lot of criticism... 

I found this book very informative and enlightening. I took my time reading this novel because I wanted to better digest the information that was infant of me. Ted Koppel brings the news to you and does not stray from it. Anyone interested and intrigued by world events or the cyber world will find this book a great read. I was drawn in by Mr. Koppel's writing. Also, I found his interviews with people to be fascinating and informative. In fact, the more that I read the more I realized that sometimes not knowing is living in happy bliss. What I mean by this is that when you don't know everything that is going on behind the scenes like a movie than you still enjoy that movie but how many times have you read about the way a movie was made and maybe your perspective about that movie was changed. All I have to say is that "Zombies" are not the thing that we need to fear but a cyberattack. Which the government already is aware of could happen and they have prepared while the rest of the world is living in "happy bliss”. Here's this book in a nutshell: "The nation's power grid is woefully unprotected and unprepared for a direct assault, especially through a cyber attack." Most of the rest of the book is rehashing this thesis with various data points and interviews with cyber warfare and electrical production experts.